Screenplay Formatter

Why is Google asking for permissions that contradict the privacy policy?
Google requests permissions based on the potential of what the 'Scopes' [Google's name for tools used to modify addons] rather than how the addon uses the scopes. Google says this is working as intended;

Why did it fail to connect to
You can only use addons with the first account you log into. Logout of all your google accounts and log into the account with the addon installed, or use a private/ingonito browser to log into your account with the addon installed.

Why is the Sidebar Blank?, Where Did the Launch Button Go?, Why Does it Say Update my Browser When it's Already the Newest Version?
- The Screenplay Formatter is an add on to the Google Docs platform that uses Javascript to function (ensure that javascript is enabled).
- Certain browser extensions can also interfer with how your browser handles iframes (required for Google Add-Ons) and those extensions may need to be updated/disabled.
- From time to time Google will update their service and/or connectivity to this service will be interrupted which will prevent the controls from being accessed and if this is the case, you will have to try again at a later time.

About the Developer
New Cinematics is a team of media aficionados that create stories and tools to help tell stories such as the Screenplay Formatter which brings tools to help speed up the formatting of google docs.

About the App
The Screenplay Formatter features basic script formatting functions (such as setting your indents for speakers and dialog) tied into easy to use buttons. Each button will assist you as you switch effortlessly between scenes and action, as well as speakers and dialog. The screenplay formatting tool also includes the basic scene transitions to help save time.

The App will always check your current selection, or cursor location, to decide if you are creating something new, or reformatting something old. If you have text selected, it will adjust the indents of that paragraph to the new format and if the format requires uppercase, it will automatically convert it for you. If you don't, it will ask you what you want to add and insert it directly into the script.

The features the Screenplay Formatter add are; adding Headers, setting Action text, setting a new Speaker, adding Parenthesis to dialog, setting Dialog text, setting New Characters, setting Special Effects, and inserting pre-made transitions.

User Data Collection and Use
The Screenplay Formatter does not access, collect, store, or share any user data.